is a stunningly powerful award-winning documentary film directed by Roger Lyons of Many Hats Productions. Tony Bennis is the co-producer, editor, and publicist.  The film tells the incredible true story of Steve Ross, who managed to survived five years as a boy in 10 different concentration camps during the Holocaust.  An American soldier rescued him at the end of World War II.  Ross ended up in America where he became a youth worker, saving the lives of thousands of at risk teens

BY THE SEA is a mystical romance film with a touch of comedy.  The feature film was written by Dean Huh and Dean Barnes, who also served as the executive producers.  The film follows Lena Oscar, a New York pastry chef who ends up working at a summer resort after having vivid dreams that lead her there.  A mysterious figure, who appears to be a ghost, helps her connect with her heritage and understand her relationships.  Tony Bennis was producer/publicist.  The film was directed by Dean Barnes.  BY THE SEA earned dozens of awards - including a nomination as Best Film of the year from the Imagen Awards - the Latin American Oscars.  BY THE SEA was filmed on location in southern Rhode Island, New York City, and Los Angeles.  The film stars Elena Aaron, Robert Pemberton, Chris Rivaro, Tony V, Jimmy Tingle, Tori Davis, André Stark, and Duncan Putney.

JAHMOL’S VISION FOR YOUTH PEACE is a powerful Synergy Media Partners film that  follows the lives of the teen friends of Jahmol Norfleet, who was starting to lead a movement to curtail youth gun violence when tragedy struck.  It was produced and directed by Tony Bennis.  Mike King is the director of photography.  Music by Deric Quest.
See the trailer.

and speaking out against racism.  He was the driving force and founder of the iconic New England Holocaust Memorial.  The film also chronicles Ross’ dramatic life-long search for that American soldier so he could thank him and show him how the “boy” grew up to help other boys at risk.  “Etched in Glass” took many years to complete as the story didn’t have an ending until an emotional scene at a Veterans Day event at the Massachusetts State House.

HALF PINT is an action-packed educational film developed by OCDA in which a 13 year-old boy goes back in time.  It was written, produced, and directed by Duncan Putney.  Andre Stark was the producer.  Tony Bennis was director of photography and editor.